If you own a diesel, shop ahead of a repair for an auto diesel mechanic. But, you won’t have to search too hard. A1 Performance Auto Repair handles both European makes of cars and diesel engines. If you need our help right this minute, give us a call for a tow into the shop. Details on our towing program are below.
Auto Diesel Mechanic
A1 Performance Auto Repair handles all types of diesel engines, from your Jeep, Ram, Chevy to your company’s delivery van or truck. We have an experienced, certified auto diesel mechanic on duty.
For cars and vans that break down in the Sunnyvale area, we will come to you to tow it into our shop. Give us a call at 408-530-0089 whenever you need a tow.
A1 Performance Auto Repair
A1 Performance Auto Repair is a popular mechanic in the Sunnyvale, CA, area. We are popular for a reason. We care about our customers and go that extra mile to make sure we properly identify the car’s problem and then fix it properly the first time. Rarely will one of our customers have to return for the same problem.
Our shop is ASE certified and has been awarded the Blue Seal of Excellence. We are also Diamond Certified, so you know our customers are happy – American Ratings Corporation called hundreds of them and asked them!
Whenever you need regular auto maintenance on your car or truck, foreign or domestic, stop by. And if you need an auto diesel mechanic, we have at least one on duty. Hopefully, you’ll never need a repair, but if you do, give us a call for a tow into the shop.