Known far and wide, Bosch are the best windshield wipers for any car or truck. When the drought is on, you won’t need your wipers much. But when it does start raining, you had better be prepared with some mighty fine wiper blades. Bosch appears to be the most popular choice, as about 100 people a month are searching the Internet for them in Sunnyvale, CA, alone! But, why are these the best wipers on the planet?

What Makes Bosch Windshield Wipers the Best

Bosch puts a lot of technology into their wiper blades, from graphite coating on a patented rubber blend to precision tension springs and a spoiler for increased aerodynamics on the Insight Wiper Blades.

Bosch has a lot of choices in blades to meet every picky customer’s need. They are real big on all weather performance, so when you get a surprise bunch of ice on your windshield overnight in the Silicon Valley, this is going to be a reliable choice of blade.

How Often to Change Out Wipers?

Wipers are usually recommended to be replaced every 6 months, however, the Bay Area doesn’t have a lot of weather, at least not like other areas of the country. Once per year here should keep you in good condition unless there is a lot of extreme temperatures or exposure to fires this summer.

When you’re hearing signs of wear, then replace them. They’ll start an annoying squeaky, chattering noise and leaving a lot of streaks. Of course, if you see a piece of rubber flopping around on your windshield when the wipers are in use, definitely replace them right away.

Replace all of your windshield wipers at the same time. You want great vision when it rains or snows. It is not time to save money by replacing only the driver’s side. Do them all. If you want the best windshield wipers, the votes are for the Bosch. Ask if we have them in stock when you get your next oil change.

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